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What I know now about retirement: Perspectives from retirees

Retirement has changed; even our emotional investment in retirement has evolved. We asked recent and experienced retirees what they’ve learned in their retirement journey so far, and what they’d tell the next generation.
What's your ideal retirement look like?
The ideal mix of retirement activities looks different for everyone. What will retirement mean for you?
Have you thought about what you can afford in retirement?
Living off a retirement income—rather than a paycheck—means adjusting your thinking about how to spend. 
Have you talked to your partner about timing your retirements?
Figuring out the best time to retire is different for every person and every couple. Here are some things to think about.
Have you thought about how to afford healthcare in retirement?
Paying for healthcare is a big concern for many retirees. Here are some ways to help afford those costs.
Are you taking control of your retirement savings?
As the traditional defined benefit pension plans fade away, this generation of retirees are faced with a number of big financial decisions about how to invest so they’ll have enough.