The Participant Experience

Hover over each item to learn more.

New hires

Real Start DC newly eligible onboarding experience

New plans

Real Start DC newly eligible onboarding experience


Real Start DC transitioning onboarding experience


DC participant not enrolled ongoing experience


The 45 days leading up to eligibility date prepare the participant for what's next.

Our Real Start DC - Newly Eligible onboarding experience is educational.

Communication experience

Principal welcome eligibility kit
with notices

Notice deliveries are sent to participants to introduce the retirement plan at Principal
  • Delivered 60 days prior to effective date
  • Directs participants to the Real Start experience on
  • Variables for match/no match webinar links and auto-enrolled or not
  • Paper notices available

Eligibility and Enrollment reminders

  • Simple "get started" messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after notices
  • Sent to all eligible employees, regardless of plan design

Eligibility and Enrollment reminders

  • Simple reminder messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after "get started" messages/ 20 days after notices
  • Variable match/no match enrollment webinar link

Eligibility and Enrollment reminders

  • Simple reminder messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after first enrollment reminder messages/ 30 days after notices
  • Variable match/no match enrollment webinar link

Digital experience

Mobile App

Principal® Real Start enrollment experience

Participants can choose to go through the enrollment experience on their mobile device via the Principal(R) mobile app

Enrollment webinar and MyVirtualCoach

By viewing the enrollment webinar, participants will learn how to set up their account, how much they may want to save, and how to get the answers to their questions

My Virtual Coach is a simple, interactive, and educational experience to help participants plan for retirement

Principal website and Principal® Real Start

Enrollment experience in English and Spanish

Principal® Real Start is the guided enrollment experience that brings participants through the steps of onboarding

Account information page

First account page visit provides a guided tour

The first time participants visit their account page, they'll be brought on a guided tour of important aspects of their account.

Hola Futuro

Principal® Hola Futuro is our bicultural approach for Hispanic savers designed to fit both language needs and cultural values. It helps bring a better understanding of financial education to promote positive savings steps offers articles, tools, and resources that can be utilized and accessed 24/7

Principal call center support

The dedicated call center support team is just a call away to answer any questions or concerns participants may have.


Ongoing experience after onboarding

Ongoing education

Monthly intrigue theme campaigns with targeted segmentation and personalization
Principal Annual Education Program - Trigger and Targeted Campaigns

Account Security

Haven't logged in for 12 months

This email encourages participants to log in if they have not done so in the last 12 months.
  • Sent to participants who have an account balance, are not in the Real Start participant onboarding experience, and have an email on file
  • One email included for non-responders


eNotices and eStatements
- 12 month reminder

Participants are encouraged to set up electronic delivery for their notices and statements
  • Sent to participants who have yet to choose to have their statements and notices delivered electronically

Mobile app

And other acctount resource download 12m reminder

Annual message that encourages participants to download the mobile app.
  • Sent to those who have yet to download the mobile app

Principal® Milestones

Haven't used for 12 months

Reminder email that is sent to participants to encourage them to use 
Principal® Milestones

  • Sent to participants who have not used Milestones in the past 12 months

Annual checkup

Annual email encourages participants to checkup on their retirement
  • Either through My Virtual Coach checkup or a retirement planning webinar replay
  • Sent to those who have not used My Virtual Coach checkup conversation or have viewed the webinar in the last 12 months

Annual deferral email

Annual deferral emails encourage participants to either max the match or consider contributing 10% of eligible pay. If available, participants can choose auto-increase option - One email sent to non-responders who received the first email but didn't increase their deferral in the last 12 months nor maxed out for the year

Investment choices campaign

Investment choice review campaign is coming in late 2020.

Beneficiary review

Participants are encouraged to provide or review their beneficiaries
  • Sent annually to participants
  • One follow up for non-responders

Retirement Income

Annual income preparation income

Email sent once participants reach age 55. We focus on topics that meet the needs of those as they prepare to enter retirement including investment risk tolerance, income options, Social Security, and Medicare


Ongoing education

Monthly intrigue theme campaigns with targeted segmentation and personalization
Principal Annual Education Program - Trigger and Targeted Campaigns


The monthly eMagazine is sent to participants to share content and educate on topics that are timely and relevant.
  • Segmentation is broken down by age


Monthly webinar invites are sent to participants based on targeted segmentation.
  • Encourage participants to sign up and learn about the designated monthly topic

New hires

Real Start DC newly eligible onboarding experience

New plans

Real Start DC newly eligible onboarding experience


Real Start DC transitioning onboarding experience


DC participant not enrolled ongoing experience


The 45 days leading up to eligibility date prepare the participant for what's next.

Our Real Start DC - Newly Eligible onboarding experience is educational.

Communication experience

Principal welcome transition
details with notices

Transition details with notices are sent to participants to inform them of the transition to Principal
  • Delivered 30 days prior to blackout
  • Directs participants to the Real Start experience on
  • Variable links for My Virtual Coach
  • Paper templates available

Eligibility and Enrollment reminders

  • Simple "get started" messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after notices
  • Sent to all eligible employees, regardless of plan design

Eligibility and Enrollment reminders

  • Simple reminder messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after "get started" messages/ 20 days after notices
  • Variable match/no match enrollment webinar link

Eligibility and Enrollment reminders

  • Simple reminder messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after first enrollment reminder messages/ 30 days after notices
  • Variable match/no match enrollment webinar link

Digital experience

Mobile App

Principal® Real Start enrollment experience

Participants can choose to go through the enrollment experience on their mobile device via the Principal(R) mobile app

Enrollment webinar and MyVirtualCoach

By viewing the enrollment webinar, participants will learn how to set up their account, how much they may want to save, and how to get the answers to their questions

My Virtual Coach is a simple, interactive, and educational experience to help participants plan for retirement

Principal website and
Principal® Real Start

Enrollment experience in English and Spanish

Principal® Real Start is the guided enrollment experience that brings participants through the steps of onboarding

Account information page

First account page visit provides a guided tour

The first time participants visit their account page, they'll be brought on a guided tour of important aspects of their account.

Hola Futuro

Principal® Hola Futuro is our bicultural approach for Hispanic savers designed to fit both language needs and cultural values. It helps bring a better understanding of financial education to promote positive savings steps offers articles, tools, and resources that can be utilized and accessed 24/7

Principal call center support

The dedicated call center support team is just a call away to answer any questions or concerns participants may have.

New hires

Real Start DC newly eligible onboarding experience

New plans

Real Start DC newly eligible onboarding experience


Real Start DC transitioning onboarding experience


DC participant not enrolled ongoing experience


The 45 days leading up to eligibility date prepare the participant for what's next.

Our Real Start DC - Newly Eligible onboarding experience is educational.

Communication experience

Principal welcome eligibility kit
with notices

Transition details with notices are sent to participants to inform them of the transition to Principal
  • Delivered 30 days prior to blackout
  • Directs participants to the Real Start experience on
  • Variable links for My Virtual Coach
  • Paper templates available

Eligibility and Enrollment reminders

  • Simple "get started" messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after notices
  • Sent to all eligible employees, regardless of plan design

Eligibility and Enrollment reminders

  • Simple reminder messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after "get started" messages/ 20 days after notices
  • Variable match/no match enrollment webinar link

Eligibility and Enrollment reminders

  • Simple reminder messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after first enrollment reminder messages/ 30 days after notices
  • Variable match/no match enrollment webinar link

Digital experience

Mobile App

Principal® Real Start enrollment experience

Participants can choose to go through the enrollment experience on their mobile device via the Principal(R) mobile app

Enrollment webinar and MyVirtualCoach

By viewing the enrollment webinar, participants will learn how to set up their account, how much they may want to save, and how to get the answers to their questions

My Virtual Coach is a simple, interactive, and educational experience to help participants plan for retirement

Principal website and Principal® Real Start

Enrollment experience in English and Spanish

Principal® Real Start is the guided enrollment experience that brings participants through the steps of onboarding

Account information page

First account page visit provides a guided tour

The first time participants visit their account page, they'll be brought on a guided tour of important aspects of their account.

Hola Futuro

Principal® Hola Futuro is our bicultural approach for Hispanic savers designed to fit both language needs and cultural values. It helps bring a better understanding of financial education to promote positive savings steps offers articles, tools, and resources that can be utilized and accessed 24/7

Principal call center support

The dedicated call center support team is just a call away to answer any questions or concerns participants may have.

New hires

Real Start DC newly eligible onboarding experience

New plans

Real Start DC newly eligible onboarding experience


Real Start DC transitioning onboarding experience


DC participant not enrolled ongoing experience


Ongoing education - monthly targeted intrigue theme campaigns

Trigger and Targeted Campaings

Principal Annual Education Program

Monthly eMagazine

The monthly eMagazine is sent to participants to share content and educate on topics that are timely and relevant.
  • Segmentation is broken down by age

Monthly webinars

Monthly webinar invites are sent to participants based on targeted segmentation.
  • Encourage participants to sign up and learn about the designated monthly topic

Digital experience

Principal Annual Education Program

Principal site offers articles, tools, and resources that can be utilized and accessed 24/7

Hola Futuro

Transcreated online experience offers articles, tools, and resources that can be utilized and accessed 24/7

Principal® Milestones

Principal(R) Milestones is a participant's source for holistic financial wellness tools and resources.

Enrich can be accessed to help participants learn about creating budgets, find scholarships for school, and tips for repaying student loans


Participants will also have access to will and other legal document preparation assistance from ARAG

Mobile App

Peronsal account information, quick answers and efficient transactions

Quickly access and check accounts - all while on the go via the mobile app


Quickly access and check accounts - all while on the go via the mobile app


Ongoing experience after onboarding

Trigger and Targeted Campaigns

Principal Annual Education Program

Annual Enrollment reminder

Along with the monthly ongoing education

Email series encourages participants to enroll if they did not enroll during the inital eligibility period
  • Two follow up emails for non-responders sent over the course of three weeks

Digital experience

Principal Annual Education Program

Online and mobile apps

Enrollment experience

Principal(R)  Real Start is the guided enrollment experience that brings participants through the steps of onboarding - both on a computer or through a mobile device

Dedicated call center

The dedicated call center support team is just a call away to answer any questions or concerns participants may have.