The 45 days leading up to eligibility date prepare the participant for what's next.

Our Real Start DC - Newly Eligible onboarding experience is educational.

Communication experience

Principal welcome eligibility kit with notices

Principal welcome eligibility kit with notices

Notice deliveries are sent to participants to introduce the retirement plan at Principal

  • Delivered 60 days prior to effective date
  • Directs participants to the Real Start experience on principal.com/welcome
  • Variables for match/no match webinar links and auto-enrolled or not
  • Paper notices available

~45 days before eligibility date

Digital experience

Principal welcome eligibility kit with notices

Eligibility and enrollment reminders

Mobile App

Principal® Real Start enrollment experience

Participants can choose to go through the enrollment experience on their mobile device via the Principal(R) mobile app

Principal website and Principal® Real Start

Enrollment experience in English and Spanish

  • Simple "get started" messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on principal.com/welcome
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after notices
  • Sent to all eligible employees, regardless of plan design

Principal website and Principal® Real Start

Enrollment experience in English and Spanishh

  • Simple reminder messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on principal.com/welcome
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after first enrollment reminder messages/ 30 days after notices
  • Variable match/no match enrollment webinar link

Enrollment webinar and MyVirtualCoach

By viewing the enrollment webinar, participants will learn how to set up their account, how much they may want to save, and how to get the answers to their questions.

My Virtual Coach is a simple, interactive, and educational experience to help participants plan for retirement.


Principal Annual Education Program - Trigger and Targeted Campaigns

Eligibility and enrollment reminders

Account Security

Haven't logged in for 12 months

This email encourages participants to log in if they have not done so in the last 12 months.

  • Sent to participants who have an account balance, are not in the Real Start participant onboarding experience, and have an email on file
  • One email included for non-responders


eNotices and eStatements
- 12 month reminder

  • Simple reminder messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on principal.com/welcome
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after "get started" messages/ 20 days after notices
  • Variable match/no match enrollment webinar link

Eligibility and Enrollment reminders

  • Simple reminder messaging that drive people to the Real Start experience on principal.com/welcome
  • Email or postcard sent 10 days after first enrollment reminder messages/ 30 days after notices
  • Variable match/no match enrollment webinar link

Participant plan entry date

Digital experience

Principal welcome eligibility kit with notices

Eligibility and enrollment reminders

Account information page

First account page visit provides a guided tour

The first time participants visit their account page, they'll be brought on a guided tour of important aspects of their account.
Principal® Hola Futuro is our bicultural approach for Hispanic savers designed to fit both language needs and cultural values. It helps bring a better understanding of financial education to promote positive savings steps.
Principal.com offers articles, tools, and resources that can be utilized and accessed 24/7.

Principal.com offers articles, tools, and resources that can be utilized and accessed 24/7